Enterprise Europe Network


Enterprise Europe Network is a global business connection network promoted by the European Union. Currently, it is under the General Directorate of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) and is financed by the Program for the Competitiveness of Companies and SMEs (COSME).

The EEN is the largest support network for companies established in Europe by the European Commission. It is present in more than 60 countries with more than 600 local organizations connected to each other with the sole purpose of providing help and services to companies. Its main function is to help SMEs to innovate and grow internationally, under the principles of the growth strategy. European Green Deal, and the new SME strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe.

The Navarra Industry Association (AIN) has been part of the EEN since its inception, as a partner of the ACTIS consortium, one of the 9 consortia that They are in charge of managing the network in Spain. Actis offers its services in the regions of: Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, La Rioja and Navarra. On its website you can find information of interest to SMEs such as news, events, success stories and calls for aid-subsidies from those territories… In Spain, the EEN has more than 60 organizations grouped into 9 consortia, more info at EEN Spain.

EEN services offered by AIN


  • Circular economy and sustainability: Implementation of European legislation, policies and standards.
  • Improving the management and innovation capabilities of SMEs.
  • Energy efficiency and renewable energies.
  • Access to financing: European financing opportunities and public and/or private funds.
  • International trade, policies, business and opportunities to access new markets.
  • Organization of regional events on EU priorities


  • Search for commercial and R&D&I partners for Navarrese organizations.
  • Promotion of both commercial and R&D&I profiles on the EEN Platform.
  • Organization and participation in exhibitions, trade missions and brokerage events, in order to seek business partners and other types of international cooperation for Navarrese companies.


  • European projects related to R&D&I: H2020 and Horizon Europe (EIC Accelerator and FTI), Digital Europe, LIFE, Eurostars, INTERREG, etc.
  • Innovation management advisory service – EIMC (Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities Programme)



2024 © AIN Asociación de la Industria Navarra

Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda del Gobierno de Navarra en virtud de la convocatoria de 2021 de «Fomento de la Empresa Digital de Navarra»

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